Goomba38 wrote:
> Ellie C wrote:
>> Gee, with tip cups showing up all over could it possibly be a symptom
>> of the fact that people need to make more than $7 per hour? THat's a
>> fine wage if you're a high school kid but there's lots of folks who
>> have these jobs as their full time work. Could you live on $7 per hour?
> Weren't jobs like this always incentive to finish school and find a
> career that pays more?
> Goomba
Well, sure. But there are some people who don't have the option of
finishing school for one reason or another. And besides, we do need
people to fill this sort of job and others like it. If everyone finished
school who would pump gas, wait on tables, serve burgers, bag groceries,
etc. It's s whole segment of the work population who are simply paid as
little as can be gotten away with.