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Dave Smith[_19_] Dave Smith[_19_] is offline
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Default I'm gonna go get my Leaf back tomorrow morning

On Sat, 29 May 2021 10:13:05 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 5/29/2021 7:33 AM, Gary wrote:
>> On 5/28/2021 10:38 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2021 9:56 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> On 5/28/2021 9:49 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> I took my car to the shop yesterday.* The button under the brake
>>>>> pedal broke.* When I got home from work on Wednesday the brake lights
>>>>> wouldn't go out and I knew immediately what the problem was.* I
>>>>> disconnected the negative battery cable, re-connected it the next
>>>>> morning and drove it to the shop before going to work.* The man fixed
>>>>> it in under 10 minutes. He didn't charge me anything.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> I'm impressed.* Few people would know to do that. Even fewer would
>>>> know how to do it.
>>> Thank you, sir!* The nut on the battery cable was too tight for me to
>>> loosen so I called a friend and he came right over.* (Drove up in his
>>> snazzy 1955 MG.* This guy is a car enthusiast.)* The nut on the cable
>>> was *almost* too tight for him to turn.* I was about to get the WD-40
>>> when he managed to loosen it enough to remove.* I hooked it back up in
>>> the morning and drove it to the shop.* One thing I noticed is people
>>> don't tend to tail-gait when your brake lights never go off. LOL
>>> I basically haven't had to pay much for any repairs.* The AC in the car
>>> started failing last year.* Not a problem in the Fall/Winter but would
>>> be brutal in the Summer.* Before it started getting hot this year I went
>>> to an auto parts store and bought a can of coolant (used to be freon). I
>>> didn't know where the valves are for adding it to this car, although I'd
>>> done it myself with a Toyota I owned decades ago.* So I took it to the
>>> tire store where I once did clerical work.* My former employer, Ana, had
>>> one of her mechanics add the coolant and he showed me where the valves
>>> are.* No charge for the service.* I'm thinking John just doesn't know
>>> the right people.
>>> Jill

>> I watched a cool documentary about a *nice* princess during WW2.
>> She was never snooty or mean to anyone. In 1953, she became the Queen of
>> England.
>> Just imagine what you could achieve if you became a "nice" princess.

>I'm a commoner. You're the one who keeps yapping about bullies yet your
>snarky comments are exactly the same thing.

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
The other Dave Smith