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Dave Smith[_19_] Dave Smith[_19_] is offline
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Default No NordicTracking today!

On Sun, 30 May 2021 06:57:39 +1000, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On Sat, 29 May 2021 14:26:11 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
> wrote:
>>On 5/29/2021 1:29 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> Extreme right-wing, idolizing Christianity, angry with everybody.
>>> You're the Boner Troll, aren't you?

>>I've no particular truck with any given iteration of Christianity, save
>>for the chronicled historical lessons and basic truths as told in the
>>Holy Bible.

>Uh oh, don't tell me you're a creationist on top of everything else.
>>And a goodly number of those have been repackaged to fit group dogmas or
>>used as building blocks for new faiths like LDS.
>>But I also have no animus in my heart for anyone's religion or faith as
>>long as it respects basic human liberty and the right to exercise free will.
>>Iow, I'm an American to the core, something that brings out the very
>>worst in foreign secular trollers and always will.

>"American to the core"... lol. You tell 'em, buddy!
>>It's lamentable that you lot, the Kiwis and Canucks too, lacked the
>>spine to break free of the reptilian royalist criminals that remain in
>>conquering ownership of your "commonwealth" pseudo-nations; but you may
>>continue to express your embarrassment by taking ill-crafted and
>>uneducated potshots at our milieu while your own rights vanish like the
>>droplets of a summer shower on hot asphalt.

>Very flowery. I thope (that's think and hope) that Australia will
>choose to become a republic when the Queen passes away.
>>And, if the situation calls for it, I can be whichever troll de jour
>>your topical cowardice and factual abandonment requires to fuel your
>>insipid inanities here.
>>Suffice to say, with literally thousands of SPAM posts to your credit,
>>the notion that you posses even the slightest moral high ground or
>>intellectual credibility is a ruse played out only upon your own
>>controlling neediness and attendant rhetorical rim shots.

>You know that those spam posts are not from me. They're either from
>you or from another troll. You know that because you're not stupid
>and/or because you produce them yourself.
>>You're not really a very smart man, or even one with time to become so.

>I'll have to learn to live with that
>>But you do inspire enmity wherever you go, so at least consistency is a
>>trait you can lay claim to when this is all said and done.
>>That's a thing then mate, do hold on tightly to it.

>Enmity? I was having a civil discussion with you and you started
>calling me names. So don't you enmity me.

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
This is a message from the other Dave Smith.