On 5/29/2021 2:51 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Saturday, May 29, 2021 at 1:41:31 PM UTC-4, wolfy's new skateboard wrote:
>> On 5/29/2021 2:38 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Friday, May 28, 2021 at 4:38:42 PM UTC-4, wolfy's new skateboard wrote:
>>>> On 5/28/2021 1:43 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> On 5/28/2021 3:36 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> On Friday, May 28, 2021 at 2:46:51 PM UTC-4, wolfy's new skateboard
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> ..nt
>>>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taro
>>>>>>> United States
>>>>>>> Taro leaf-stems (petioles) for sale at a market in California, 2009
>>>>>>> Taro has been grown for centuries in the United States, though it has
>>>>>>> never attained the same popularity as in Asian and Pacific nations.
>>>>>>> William Bartram observed South Carolina Sea Islands residents eating
>>>>>>> roasted roots of the plant, which they called tanya, in 1791, and by the
>>>>>>> 19th century it was common as a food crop from Charleston to
>>>>>>> Louisiana.[82] In the 1920s, dasheen[nb 1], as it was known, was highly
>>>>>>> touted by the Secretary of the Florida Department of Agriculture as a
>>>>>>> valuable crop for growth in muck fields.[84] Fellsmere, Florida, near
>>>>>>> the east coast, was a farming area deemed perfect for growing dasheen.
>>>>>>> It was used in place of potatoes and dried to make flour. Dasheen flour
>>>>>>> was said to make excellent pancakes when mixed with wheat flour. Since
>>>>>>> the late 20th century, taro chips have been available in many
>>>>>>> supermarkets and natural food stores, and taro is often used in American
>>>>>>> Chinatowns, in Chinese cuisine.
>>>>>> Yet it never seemed to catch on the way corn, wheat, potatoes, and
>>>>>> rice have.
>>>>>> In the Darwinian pressures of starch selection, it was far from "the
>>>>>> fittest".
>>>>>> If you eat meat and vegetables, you don't need taro as a "superfood". It
>>>>>> doesn't even have that much fiber. Poi has a paltry 1 gram per cup.
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> It's mostly carbs.
>>>>> Jill
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> Some have high phenols, others not so much.
>> So?
> If you eat a good quantity of a variety of vegetables, you'll get plenty
> of phenols. No need to eat poi.
> Cindy Hamilton
Not necessarily true, as all bodies have differing needs for differing
Polyphenols are compounds abundant in many plant foods that can help
protect you against many health conditions. Foods that are high in
polyphenols may help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, digestive issues, and obesity. Some of the best dietary food
sources of polyphenols include cloves, berries, apples, red onion, and nuts.
The best way to get these health-boosting compounds in your diet is to
consume polyphenol-rich foods. You can also buy polyphenol supplements
that are claimed to improve health. However, many supplements containing
large doses of polyphenols may have certain adverse side effects.
Some of the health benefits of polyphenol plant-rich foods could be
affected by high levels of lectins. In some people, lectins in certain
raw plant foods can cause issues with digestion.
In this article, you will learn about the top foods that are high in
polyphenols. You will also find out why adding these great sources of
polyphenols to your diet can help protect your health.