Uh Oh!
jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2021 5:19 PM, cshenk wrote:
> > This was Japan days. 70% lean ground beef was 4$ a lb... Canned
> > ham was closer to 3$lb. Haute cuisine? Definately not. What it
> > was, was a good step up from oreos, ding-dongs, candy, doughnuts
> > and such.
> >
> > Wince, I paid 15$ for a 3lb chicken there.
> >
> Wait, you were stationed there. You didn't have access to a military
> commissary at Sasebo?
> Jill
Oh, let me elaborate to prevent confusion. I don't know the exact
rules of it all but some things could not be imported as they were not
allowed in Japan. Probably more related to 'protecting Japan Prices
and Products' or something but I never knew.
I just know you couldn't get a standard Idaho russet baking potato
except for a seasonal few and they were really high priced. Like 5$
each or maybe more. Some things you just couldn't get at all.
If you actually knew how to scratch cook and were not afraid to try new
things, shopping at Tonoo Market for veggies and eggs could be much
cheaper than the commisarry. It was so much cheaper for seafood, that
the commissary didn't have more than fishsticks in that line as far as
I recall.
The commissary had a lot of savings on some items based on local prices
but don't confuse that with USA prices at the same time. Cost of
delivery was added plus potential Japan import fees.