I bought and am eating some Chocolove OXOXO Raspberries in Dark Chocolate 57% at Starr's...
On Sun, 30 May 2021 10:56:35 -0400, Sheldon Martin >
>On Sun, 30 May 2021 09:46:06 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2021-05-30 8:56 a.m., Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>> On Sun, 30 May 2021 Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, May 30, 2021 Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> I was gonna weed-eat today, but I said fuggit. Is anybody jealous
>>>>> of me whether I weed-eated or not? Yeah I didn't think so.
>>>> I'm jealous you didn't. My arms are sore from swinging the weed-eater
>>>> yesterday.
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> By weed-eater do you mean string trimmer?
>>> The gas powered ones are heavy, blow fumes right in your face, and
>>> often difficult starting. The new B&D ones are battery operated,
>>> weigh half as much, no fumes, no cord to hassle with pulling, no
>>> gas/oil mixture storage, runs a full hour on a charge... best
>>> gardening tool we recently invested in, retired that smelly/noisy gas
>>> guzzler. And since we have a lot of trimming we bought a second
>>> battery to charge while using one.
>>I had an electric line trimmer. It was basically useless. It didn't have
>>enough power for the greenery I was dealing with. I bought a Weed Eater
>>and it had a lot more power, but those were cheap pieces of crap and I
>>had to replace them regularly. I took one into a local garden equipment
>>shop for repairs and the owner told me he didn't really want to repair
>>it. He said they are cheap pieces of crap and that the repair would cost
>>almost as much as it was worth and it would just break down again. He
>>suggested I get an Echo. It was about twice the price but he assured me
>>that it would last for years and do a much better job.
>>He was right. I have had that thing for years and it rips right through
>>the grass and weeds. It takes a fraction of the time and effort the
>>electric one and the WeedEater did. I bought a steel blade attachment
>>for heavy duty work so it can handle wild roses, prickly cans, seedlings
>>and heavy weeds. I make sure not to leave old gas in it and it usually
>>starts up with just a couple pulls and a tank of gas mix is enough to
>>get me through the entire yard. I one gallon can of mixed fuel is
>>enough to get me through the season.
>I have an Echo string trimmer, works no better than the new B&D
>battery powered one. Echo makes several grades of string trimmers,
>some more powerful, made for heavy brush clearing. For typical lawn
>work the B&D is more than adequate. And with any string trimmer a lot
>depends on the nylon string used.
>I also have an Echo leaf blower, it's heavy and tiring but mostly it's
>noisy... but I deal with those leaves by using mulching blades on my
>mowers... I haven't used my Echo leaf blower in years. Everyone's
>property has different requirements. I finish mow about ten acres
>every week, mulching blades on my 7' mower makes the job pleasant from
>my air conditioned tractor cab. I also have a smaller tractor that
>mows a 52" swarth. I use a 21" push mower for tight areas. Some
>areas require a more delicate operation, trimming around tree trunks,
>then I use hand powered scissors.
Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
This is a message from the other Dave Smith.