Who's been bullied the f**k out of here?
On Mon, 31 May 2021 15:28:11 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Simmons
> wrote:
>On Monday, May 31, 2021 at 1:16:19 PM UTC-5, wolfy's new skateboard wrote:
>> A tentative list after goggling back through the years.
>> MIA - confirmed stalker hits:
<snipped a motley crew>
>> ...feel free to paste in corrections...
>> Looks like about 10 committed stalkers trying to take out or already
>> have taken out 10 regular users.
>A. This isn't some pansy-ass kindergarten, it's Usenet. If you took a
>snapshot at a different period of time, folks would shift from one of
>your stupid categories to another.
>B. You left out Andy and Blake. Andy "bullied" Blake, a double amputee,
>even calling him, "No-Legs Murphy."
Sounds like you. You must have loved that.
The other Dave Smith.