Homemade Beet Extract
On Tue, 01 Jun 2021 12:00:35 -0400, Sheldon Martin >
>On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 10:59:15 -0400, jmcquown >
>>On 6/1/2021 7:07 AM, Daniel wrote:
>>> I'm researching the addition of beet extract to my daily supplement
>>> stack. Online offerings aren't that expensive but began considering a
>>> homemade variety.
>>> I went to the store and found beets priced rather inexpensively. So, I
>>> did some cursory searching for homemade techniques. Most articles point
>>> to making the juice. A few pointed to making the powder. What I'd like
>>> is a reduced/sticky solution at the end.
>>> On initial thought, juicing some of the beats and reducing the juice at
>>> low heat to reduce the water content came to mind. But, doing this I
>>> fear will destroy some of the beneficial aspect of the vegetable.
>>> Any experiences out there to share on this, by chance?
>>Sorry, I can't help you. I'm not convinced beets are some sort of
>>wonderful dietery daily healthful supplement. Sounds like you're buying
>>into some sort of weird diet fad thing.
>I don't think beets are more healthful than many other vegetables
>but still I happen to like them, I enjoy their texture and they make a
>colorful accompaniment to otherwise drab/blase foods. Beets are also
>very easy to obtain, they are sold canned at most any store.
>Chard is much easier to grow than spinach... spinach is a magnet for
>sand. Chard is also a good landscaping plant, it can grow quite large
>like a shrub and in several color combos. But mostly chard is easy to
>harvest and is very good in salads.
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