In article >, Forte Agent
<> says...
>Hi there,
>I am considering a culinary arts program in the San Francisco area and
>was wondering if anybody had an opinion on which might be a better
>choice: California Culinary Academy or the culinary program at City
>College of San Francisco?
>I guess my main issues are which one is more highly regarded and would
>lead to a better/higher paying job upon graduation.
>Thanks for any help you may offer!!
>_________________________________________________ ______________________________
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Sorry for the late response on this - been gone for a couple of days.
Anyway, I've looked into both the CCA and the program at CCSF.
CCA is a 15 month program, the last three of which are spent in an
externship. The cost is $45,000.
CCSF is a two year program at a cost of, if I remember correctly, around
The program at CCSF has an excellent reputation and I've heard that with
a degree in that program you can pretty much get into any door that the
one-year program at CCA would have opened for you.
Unless, as Sheldon likes to say, you've got more dollars than brain
cells, it would seem to me the choice is a pretty clear one.
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