On 6/2/2021 3:59 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 14:21:56 -0500, Hank Rogers >
> wrote:
>> Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 bruce bowser wrote:
>>>> The only trouble I have is trying to keep the yolk in tact while turning.
>>> Your only trouble is that you didn't complete third grade or you'd
>>> know that 'intact' is one word.
>>> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/intact
>> Popeye, yoose the smartest third grader here!
>> Yoose could be jethro bodine.
> Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
Interesting tidbits regarding that supposed bumpkin of a character...
Max Adelbert Baer Jr. net worth is
*$50 Million*
Max Adelbert Baer Jr. Wiki Biography
Maximilian Adalbert "Max Baer Jr. was born on the 4th December 1937 in
Oakland, California USA, of German, Jewish and Scots-Irish ancestry. He
is an actor, perhaps best recognized for starring in the role of Jethro
Bodine on €śThe Beverly Hillbillies€ť (1962). He is also recognized as a
producer and director. His career in the entertainment industry was
active from 1960 to 1991.
Have you ever wondered how rich Max Baer Jr is, as of early 2016?
According to authoritative sources, it has been estimated that the
overall size of Maxs net worth is as high as $50 million, with the main
sum of this amount of money coming from his successful involvement in
the film industry, however, his net worth has also increased from his
career as a businessman, starting a casino in Nevada.
Max Baer Jr. Net Worth $50 Million
Max Baer Jr. was raised with two siblings in a well known family, as his
father was Max Baer, a heavyweight boxing champion; his uncle was actor
and boxer Buddy Baer. After attending Christian Brothers High School in
Sacramento, he enrolled at Santa Clara University, from which he
graduated in 1959 with a BA degree in Business Administration, with a
minor in philosophy.
Max`s professional acting career began in the 1960s, with a cameo role
in the TV series €śMaverick€ť, which was soon followed by other roles in
such TV series as €śCheyenne€ť (1960-1961), €śSurfside 6€ť (1960-1961), and
€ś77 Sunset Strip€ť (1960-1961), all of which increased his net worth. In
1962, his life changed for the better, as he was chosen for the role of
Jethro Bodine in the TV series €śBeverly Hillbillies€ť, which ran until
1971, increasing his net worth by a large margin. However, the show
didn`t keep him out of other ventures, as he earned roles in several
productions, such as €śVacation Playhouse€ť (1963), €śThe Andy Griffith
Show€ť (1963), and €śA Time For Killing€ť (1967), among others.
After the Hillbillys ended, he continued to pursue an acting career,
securing roles in films and TV series such as €śThe Birdmen€ť (1971),
€śLove, American Style€ť (1972-1973), €śMacon County Line€ť (1974), €śThe
Circle Family€ť (1982), and his last appearance was in the TV series
€śMurder, She Wrote€ť (1989-1991). His net worth was certainly rising.
Max is also recognized as a director and producer, creating productions
such as €śMacon County Line€ť, which was the highest grossing movie at the
time, with box office takings of more than $25 million, which also
increased Max`s net worth, since the movie budget was only $110, 000.
Furthermore, he created €śThe Wild McCullochs€ť (1975), and €śHometown
U.S.A€ť (1979), among others, all of which increased his net worth.
Thanks to his role of Jethro Bodine, Max earned himself a large fan
base, and on account of that, he started a casino, €śBeverly
Hillbillies€ť, located in Nevada, is also steadily increasing his net worth.