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Dave Smith[_19_] Dave Smith[_19_] is offline
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Default Hot Air From the Oven is insignifcant (was: Delicious Dinner in Under 30 Minutes)

On Thu, 3 Jun 2021 17:31:45 -0500, Sqwertz >

>On Thu, 3 Jun 2021 06:49:10 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 8:02:01 AM UTC-4, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> It sounds like kitchen myths your [grand]mothers passed down to you
>>> without much science behind it. The oven isn't exactly a forced-air
>>> furnace. Undisturbed heat rises pretty quickly while you spend most
>>> of your time indoors in the lower 3/5ths of the space between your
>>> feet and the ceiling.

>> How friggin' tall are your ceilings? 3/5ths of 8 feet is 4.8 feet. My
>> head, which is where the "thermometer" is, is 5.5 feet off the ground.

>You're arguing about 8 inches out of 96? OK, what proportion of 24
>hours in your home do you spend standing upright as opposed to
>sitting or lying down? I sit with my head 4'5" above the floor. And
>I lie down even lower when sleeping for 4-10 hours. So there's my
>(our) 8" and more! :-P
>But to answer your question specifically, I have a cathedral ceiling
>and it's tallest point is right outside the only kitchen opening.
>So I have 240" of space between my feet (when they're on the floor)
>and the ceiling where the heat congregates. So for me - if you
>average the height of head and ratio that the time spent sitting,
>standing, and lying down - I average in the lowest 22% of that space
>between my feet and the ceiling. So that 3/5th comes almost down to
>just above 1/5th.
>Oh, wait.... plus I'm a dwarf, remember?!? Duh! So we can cut that
>in half again. Plus a little more considering all my chairs and bed
>are also runted to accommodate my midget legs. So that now becomes
>the lowest 10%! Or 1/10th instead of the 3/5ths in my original
>Boy, you REALLY stepped in THAT one! ;-) Take a lesson from Gary.
>What's that lesson again, Gary? [bending my ear towards Gary...]
>ObFood: Sanbeiji (3-Cup Chicken) will be dinner. It's one of the
>most popular dishes in China and Taiwan, but you'll rarely (if ever)
>see it on any menus here. Mine will be skin-on boneless thighs cut
>into quarters lengthwise.

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
Not Dave Smith.