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(PENMART01) wrote in

>>kevintsheehy writes:
>>penmart01 wrote:
>>>The mar2ni is my favorite drink to order with dinner...

>>Same here. Can't stand these sissified, fruity, sweet things
>>some people call martinis these days. When it comes right
>>down to it, I think that booze ought to taste like booze.

> I also gave up ordering wine with dinner long ago... the prices
> charged by restaurants are ridiculously inflated. In my opinion no
> wine in the world is worth more than $3-$4 a glass... so I'd much
> rather the 2ni. I do my wine drinking at home, thank you... and still
> refuse to pay more than $15 a bottle... and that's my high limit, I'm
> generally in the $6-$7 range. By the 3rd glass no one can tell the
> difference anyway... I laugh when I hear folks brag about only
> drinking top shelf, when they're guzzling like a Texan gulping down
> six-packs at a Q. I can tell the difference with my first 2ni, by the
> second one too, but by the 3rd my taste gets kind of fuzzy and after
> that they may as well serve me house gin-rocks, save the vermouth...
> and that's exactly what I do, If I'm going to go more than three I
> switch from Boodles to house gin... why waste $2-$3 extra per.
> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon
> ````````````

I consider myself a 2ni freak. I also think I know a bit about vino. Sheldon is
correct. After two or three Martini's, it's difficult to tell the Gin or God forbid the
vodka in the drink.
When out I always order sapphire gin.
After 2 drinks it really does not matter.
Now about wine. Why the hell anyone would buy a bottle for dinner astounds me.
You pay at a minimum 75% mark up. Have you heard of corking charges? I always bring a
bottle with me and pay a bit for them to open it. It beats the hell out of what they
want to charge for some bullshit californicating shit they call wine.
And by the way....I say F%ck the vermouth.
P.S. Shely... Garden City, my brother.
