I fell down my back deck stairs yesterday
On 2021-06-03 9:28 p.m., cshenk wrote:
> John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 8:02:02 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
>> ....
>>> Hope you are ok John.
>> Better every day, thanks! :-)
>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
> Glad of it. Don gave me a scare yesterday when I heard a thump on the
> roof he'd insisted in climbing to clean the gutters. Today, he got out
> the Shepard's hook unit I got him that he'd forgotten about and tucked
> it on the porch for next time.
I had an accident while cleaning out the gutters a while back. I put the
ladder up against the side of the house and was careful to set it at an
appropriate angle. Luckily, it was at the lowest roof level on the
entire house, an eave overhanging a front corner. I got almost to the
roof level where I could climb over to it to clear that one and reach up
to the roof above. I didn't make it. The bottom of the ladder kicked out
ad went down. One leg went between the rungs while the other foot was
firmly on the rung. When I hit the ground the weight from one leg on
forced the rung harder against the one that had slipped through.
It hurt like hell. I was afraid to step up to go through the front door,
seriously concerned that I might have broken a bone in my lower leg. I
spent a few hours in the ER before they determined it was no broken and
they gave me some much needed pain medication. The next time I was up
on the roof was to install gutter guards. They keep all the leaves and
crap out of the eaves trough and I will never have to go up and clean
them again.