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wolfy's new skateboard wolfy's new skateboard is offline
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Default Delicious Dinner in Under 30 Minutes

On 6/3/2021 4:18 PM, US Janet wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jun 2021 14:12:51 -0600, wolfy's new skateboard
> > wrote:
>> On 6/3/2021 12:17 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 11:52:08 AM UTC-10, wolfy's new skateboard wrote:
>>>> On 6/2/2021 3:35 PM, Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>>>>> I won't keep repeating though in case I come
>>>>> over like I own a Nissan Leaf :-®
>>>> Battery power in the frozen north, what could go wrong with that?
>>>> Then again, no block heater to **** with.
>>> I can't say how the new Ford electric F-150 will work in the frozen North but it's certainly rocking the truck world. My guess is that it'll be the "killer app" of the electric vehicle world.

>> Ford says they will sell 40% electric vehicles by 2030 - which is not so
>> far off.
>> Who will make 40% more power for our aging and faulty electrical grid
>> and what kind of power will it be with Xiden ****ing all over natural
>> gas and coal?
>> Make book on this - bird killing windmills that ice up and fail and
>> daytime only solar will NOT step in to save the day.
>> Also charging stations that take 30-45 minutes are useless for anyone
>> making a road trip, working delivery, or not charging at home overnight.
>> We're heading for ANOTHER major gubmint-conned "cash for klunkers"
>> disaster, but this time it will brown out the home power for the rest of
>> the sheople.
>> What say you?

> We coould start with infrastructure improvements and employ workers at
> the same time.

From the same CCP friendly "logic" Xiden tendered when he told us that
the "new economy" for oil workers would consist of them capping wells?

Yeah, that's a one time gig, now isn't it?

Biden said last week he wants to put pipefitters and miners to work
capping the wells €œat the same price that they would charge to dig those

Many of the old wells and mines are located in rural communities that
have been hard-hit by the pandemic. Bidens plan would not only create
jobs, but help reduce methane and brine leaks that pollute the air and
groundwater. Methane is a powerful contributor to global warming.

> But, you know, everybody talks about, campaigns about
> it, but then there is no support in Congress for it. Thank you
> McConnell
> Janet US

McConnell is for capping wells?

And if not that's a "bad thing" in your estimation?


Now tell us how our aging grid can handle about 40% more users than it
has now?

And please, use facts and numbers.