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Mike Duffy[_5_] Mike Duffy[_5_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 602
Default Chili sans-carne

On Fri, 04 Jun 2021 11:39:06 -0400, Michael Trew wrote:

> Then again, I suppose another purpose of Usenet is to harass others...

As one Michael (offically) to another:

Usenet is the last vestige of another time. The social norms that have
evolved into it could never have been predicted nor even be reported on
current 'fake' news lest it would be seen as self-fulfilling prophecy.

To wit, this, the melodious self-assured hinting of narcissistic style
coupled with fatalistic overtones only possible by someone who has 'done
the time'.

Compare this to new three, two & one (I kid you not) acronyms on youths
enthralled with thumb-texting phone apps.

Sometimes, the gangstalkee has actually asked for a clever comeback in
the guise of a deftly-worded riposte.

But more often, especially in the case of bone-headed trolls that only
have a few seconds so they can jump in on every thread, something said in
such *invited* jest is either misinterpreted as disrespect, or, for the
trolls, maliciously decried as so just to humiliate the author. It's easy
afterwards to just say 'I was kidding', &c.

To finish off vaguely on topic for food, my wife & I have started to have
vague ideas of moving at some time in the future. I am currently
beginning the planning phase by slowly drinking my liquor cabinet empty.
I started with the re-bottled stuff that came in bottles to high for the
cabinet; currently I'm on Galliano.