Chili sans-carne
Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Friday, June 4, 2021 at 1:38:51 PM UTC-5, Mike Duffy wrote:
>> To finish off vaguely on topic for food, my wife & I have started to have
>> vague ideas of moving at some time in the future.
> My wife and I have definite plans to get out of StL as soon as we can
> retire. July and August are stupid hot, and November through March
> is cold. What'd be nice would be Puerto Rico November through
> March, and Georgia April through October, and I mean the Tbilisi
> Georgia, rather than the Atlanta one.
> --Bryan
Yep, you should try to get the hell out. St louis is already same
as detroit. A lovely city 70 years ago, but that's gone.