Grand Daughters
On Mon, 7 Jun 2021 22:28:55 -0500, Snag > wrote:
>On 6/7/2021 8:07 AM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
>> You ****ing turd. 245 years of slavery, and more than a century of Jim
>> Crow and its continuing half century legacy doesn't go away because
>> you puke out some right-wing talking points phrase. Imagine your 14 YO
>> grand daughter being raped by a man who is legally allowed to *own*
>> her. That's the history you want conveniently brushed aside. Again,
>> imagine your 14 YO grand daughter being raped by a man who is legally
>> allowed to *own* her. "Shut your mouth you little bitch. I can **** you
>> any time I want. You belong to me." Imagine the 18 year old feeling a
>> little guilty that she's glad that Master has taken up ****ing her little
>> sister because it takes some of the pressure off of her. I dare you, turd.
>> --Bryan
>Feel better now ? You have conflated racism with slavery . Two
>different things , but then your liberal masters have not allowed you to
>be taught critical thinking skills .
This right-wing cult is powerful. Soon Snag and his one-toothed
buddies will be goose stepping through the country in large numbers.
Right arm raised and left arm holding a pitchfork.
Not Dave Smith