Thread: Grand Daughters
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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Grand Daughters

On Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 7:47:17 AM UTC-4, Snag wrote:

> I suppose you also believe that Xiden won the election fairl and square
> . The big question in my mind is IF THERE'S NOTHING TO HIDE WHY ARE THEY

Nobody is trying to hide stuff. Every single election has been inspected, audited,
and verified by bipartisan boards. Most of the entities trying to look at the ballots
and machines have no standing to do so. Judges (most of whom are Republican)
have thrown the lawsuits out of court for being based on tissue.

One of the places in contention is a Michigan county where Trump _won_. I
just can get my head around that one. Do his supporters want to reverse his win?

Hypothetically, why would anybody ensure that Biden won his race while not
ensuring that the House and Senate swung firmly Democratic? Did they just

There's no there there.

Cindy Hamilton