Grand Daughters
On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 07:19:06 -0700 (PDT), GM
> wrote:
>This current crop of marxist dems do not respect the rule of law, they'll lie, cheat, and
>steal from their grandmothers in order to "win" an election - or
>achieve any other of their dubious "goals"...they've now got control
>of the MSM, institutions, social media, academia, etc...their tactics
>are straight from Lenin's playbook...
Every country has a few mental patients who say things like this*.
That's not a problem. They can either continue to live independently,
or they're institutionalised. The problem in the US is that there are
so many of them. Trump won the election, but it was stolen from him by
Marxists. Yeah, right.
*There's a Dutch rapper (yes, they exist) who thinks all supermarket
food has had chemicals added to it that make people not realise covid
is a hoax. "Don't buy your food from the supermarket!"
Not Dave Smith