Thread: Grand Daughters
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SNAG SNAG is offline
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Default Grand Daughters

On 6/8/2021 6:41 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 17:22:35 -0500, Snag > wrote:
>> On 6/8/2021 1:55 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 12:20:29 -0500, Snag > wrote:
>>>> There's this little thing called "The First Amendment" that gives me
>>>> the right to say whatever I want - as long as it causes no harm to
>>>> another person . And your hurt feelings don't count , snowflake . I
>>>> don't give a fat flying **** what color you are , I judge you on your
>>>> character . And I judge you - because of your lack of inclusiveness and
>>>> judging of others - to be the kind of person that I don't want to be
>>>> around . Get back to me when you've learned to think for yourself
>>>> instead of swallowing the MSM narrative HL&S .
>>> swallowing the MSM narrative HL&S...
>>> Ok, hook line and sinker, but MSM? Aren't MSMs those colour coated
>>> bits of chocolate that melt in your mouth, not in your hand?

>> MainStream Media

> Ok, thanks. I'd have thought mainstream media were relatively
> reliable, compared to extreme right and left wing media.

Unfortunately that is not the case . The news media is way far left
of the middle . And since they have the loudest and most
well-distributed voices , they are all that many hear . It doesn't help
that anything not on their agenda is either stifled or outright called
lies . There was a time in the USA that news media just reported the
who/what/where/when/how and didn't pontificate on the why . Seems like
now all we get is the "why" - and it's almost always someone's opinion .
Give me the facts , I'll decide the rest on my own .
Race only matters to racists ...