Thread: Grand Daughters
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Dave Smith[_39_] Dave Smith[_39_] is offline
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Default Grand Daughters

On Wed, 09 Jun 2021 12:13:06 +1000, Dave Smith >

>On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 20:59:54 -0500, Snag > wrote:
>>On 6/8/2021 6:41 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 17:22:35 -0500, Snag > wrote:
>>>> MainStream Media
>>> Ok, thanks. I'd have thought mainstream media were relatively
>>> reliable, compared to extreme right and left wing media.

>> Unfortunately that is not the case . The news media is way far left
>>of the middle .

>It might seem that way to you because you're far to the right.
>>And since they have the loudest and most
>>well-distributed voices , they are all that many hear .

>Aren't Fox News and the odd shock jock well-distributed too?
>>It doesn't help
>>that anything not on their agenda is either stifled or outright called
>>lies . There was a time in the USA that news media just reported the
>>who/what/where/when/how and didn't pontificate on the why . Seems like
>>now all we get is the "why" - and it's almost always someone's opinion .
>>Give me the facts , I'll decide the rest on my own .

>I agree with that. I watched CNN in the lead-up to your presidential
>election and there was an anti-Trump bias to a lot of their reporting.
>But Fox News was worse IMO. They were telling stories that were such
>obvious lies that they almost couldn't take them seriously themselves.
>But I agree, just give me the facts. I'll add the opinion myself.

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
Not Dave Smith