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Mike Duffy[_5_] Mike Duffy[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 602
Default Chili sans-carne

On Wed, 09 Jun 2021 01:42:49 -0400, Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:

(From your sig) : Ph D in music theory.

So why have we 'evolved' such a complicated language of music notation?

Even with modern tools to unambiguously put a note on the line or in a
space (vs. sometimes accidentally touching a line), there are still
multiple 'clefs', and the hideous clutter of octothorpes & half-spades on
*every* line to denote the key.

It would probably be easier for a novice to make sense of a midi stream
which has been piped into almost any UTF-8 character set.

Also, are you aware of any serious attempt / intent on anyone's part to
carry the scale resolution to the next level in the Fibonacci sequence?

The trivial case required to define the Fibbonacci sequence as it applies
to musical scales is 1 note per octave, i.e. a piano with only the 'C'

The next case is a piano with two keys per octave, 'G' and 'C'. G is at a
frequency 3/2 times the 'C' below it; or 2/3 the C above it.

The next case is 3 keys per octave. C, G, & E to incorporate sub-
multiples of 5 ('fifths').

The next case is the 5 tone 'pentatonic' system used by oriental music.

The next is the 8 tone (white) keys of Western Music.

The next is the 13 tone (black + white keys) of western music.

Is there any serious work being done on a the next level? (21 keys)