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Friday, June 4th, Dinner
On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 16:56:00 -0600, Graham > wrote:
>On 2021-06-09 3:34 p.m., Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2021-06-09 5:16 p.m., wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 3:37:21 PM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> On 6/9/2021 1:58 PM, wrote:
>>>>> I have several different variations of liquor in the house but no
>>>>> vodka.
>>>> I keep vodka for guests that want it. It has very little flavor. I
>>>> keep gin, rum, Scotch, Bourbon for drinking.
>>> I've got rum for when I make a rum cake at Christmas.* I got sick on it
>>> once and can't really handle it now for a drink.* I don't think there's
>>> anything that will make Scotch palpable to me.* Triple sec, bourbon,
>>> and Kahluha share the shelf with the rum along with creme de cacao.
>> I never cared for rum when I was young because Coke seemed to be the
>> main mixer, and I never cared much for Coke.* I later learned to enjoy
>> sipping amber and dark rum.
>> I love Scotch. Straight, with just a tiny bit of water, or little ice.
>> Irish whiskey is pretty good too.* My limited experience with Bourbon
>> has left me unimpressed. Maybe the premium stuff is worth trying.
>I've never liked hard liquor. The last whisky I drank was ~50 years ago
>when one of my profs treated a bunch of us to a straight malt, which is
>the closest I've come to tolerating the stuff. I'll drink gin suitably
>diluted with tonic water, but that's it.
>I drink wine most of the year and beer in the hotter summer months.
Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
Not Dave Smith