RECIPE: Salsa Diaboligue
Sheldon Martin wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jun 2021 07:15:30 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
> > On Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 1:29:41 PM UTC-4, Sheldon wrote:
> >
> >> There is no singular salsa recipe. I prepare salsa verde
> >
> > Salsa cruda, perhaps. The presence of ripe tomatoes (as others
> > have pointed out) makes it rojo rather than verde.
> >
> >> from my garden every year, never the same twice; no measuring.
> >
> > Some people prefer a specific, repeatable result.
> >
> > Cindy Hamilton
> I have only two tastes to please, mine and my mates. However each
> uses no precise measurements none are remarkabley different, always
> mostly tomatoes. Typically I use very firm not yet fully ripe Romas,
> diced baby Kirbys, diced bell peppers (red/green), small amount of
> shaved garlic, curly leaf parsley, olive oil, vinegar and lemon/lime
> juice, s n'p, and sometimes some type of grated cheese.... really a
> help oneself salad. I like to use a sharp spud peeler for shaving
> garlic. We don't add hot pepper but there's a shaker of crushed if
> wanted. I don't like growing the hot varietys of hot peppers as they
> never offer the same heat, often too hot. I sometimes like to add
> sliced radish for crunch... mostly ingredients depend on what's in the
> fridge, sometimes even celery, turnip, jicama. I like to add diced
> fennel bulb to mine, I like the anise flavor. My wife detests
> licorice and I love it. Occasionally I'll treat myself to a whole
> anise bulb and nosh the layers by dipping in kosher salt. I've tried
> growing anise bulbs, no luck... Florence fennel needs ideal weather,
> probably why they are so pricey. The fronds are good to dry and
> arrange on a grill as a rack for cooking seafood.
Curious, but have you tried growing Daikon? It fits well in the 'sort
of recipe' above. It's supposed to be very easy to grow but isn't a
container garden soft of thing.
Oh, today we harvested 3 yellow squash and 2 zuccuhini (sp?). Lots of
lettuce, I snipped some and took it to Maria becase we can't eat it
all. Tomatoes (roma) starting to crop too. Bell Peppers looking good.
Anaheims appear well as do the peas.
Apple trees taking off as normal. Newly planted Cherry Trees looking