On 6/12/2021 10:44 AM, US Janet wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 03:50:50 -0500, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
>> I haven't had these for probably 30 years but didn't hesitate when
>> I saw them at the store last week. It took me 6 days to sdecide I
>> wanted some, and ate two of them. Then pulled out one more. Then 3
>> more. Then 4 more. They're small, I can do that if I want :-P.
>> https://i.postimg.cc/sXMTzGKS/Gingersnaps.jpg
>> Wow, spicy mofos. I don't remember them being this spicy, but I
>> remember the bag design bag as clear as I remember the bags of
>> horehound candy. Oh, tehy're from Pennsyvania, that's why. And
>> theyr'e the animal cracker people too,l (haten ;em)
>> I see one more bag in my near future (next week), and then probably
>> bot ever again in my lifetime. And NO. I will NOT use any in
>> sauerbraten. I don't know they were thinking mixing cookies and
>> beef. Germans, Pbbbt!
>> -sw
> I can't remember when I last bought them. Maybe I'll get some next
> time at the store.
> Janet US
I bought some gingersnaps a couple of years ago. I don't recall the
brand but that bag looks familiar. They were a bit more spicy than I
remembered, too; hadn't had them since I was a kid. I like gingersnaps
because they aren't too terribly sweet. I may pick up a bag if I go
down the cookie aisle the next time I'm at the grocery store.
One type of cookie I *do* like but is a rare indulgence is Danish
Wedding Cookies. I think the brand is Keebler. They are small, they
are covered in powdered sugar... oh, here's a link to a recipe:
Funny thing. When I got my first job in an office (back when dinosaurs
roamed the earth) the company had a weekly "open house" for potential
clients. I was handed $20 from petty cash and told to go to the grocery
store and buy some "fancy cookies" to go with the coffee and tea. Fancy
to me meant something different from chocolate chip and PB cookies,
lthough I did buy some of those, too (can't fail with old favourites)
The Keebler "Danish Wedding Cookies" were the real hit. I hadn't
thought about them in 40 years. Saw a bag on the shelf a couple of
years ago. Hmmmm. Yes, they are still delicious!