Thread: Gingersnaps
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Dave Smith[_39_] Dave Smith[_39_] is offline
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Default Gingersnaps

On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 11:02:14 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 6/12/2021 10:44 AM, US Janet wrote:
>> On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 03:50:50 -0500, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>>> I haven't had these for probably 30 years but didn't hesitate when
>>> I saw them at the store last week. It took me 6 days to sdecide I
>>> wanted some, and ate two of them. Then pulled out one more. Then 3
>>> more. Then 4 more. They're small, I can do that if I want :-P.
>>> Wow, spicy mofos. I don't remember them being this spicy, but I
>>> remember the bag design bag as clear as I remember the bags of
>>> horehound candy. Oh, tehy're from Pennsyvania, that's why. And
>>> theyr'e the animal cracker people too,l (haten ;em)
>>> I see one more bag in my near future (next week), and then probably
>>> bot ever again in my lifetime. And NO. I will NOT use any in
>>> sauerbraten. I don't know they were thinking mixing cookies and
>>> beef. Germans, Pbbbt!
>>> -sw

>> I can't remember when I last bought them. Maybe I'll get some next
>> time at the store.
>> Janet US

>I bought some gingersnaps a couple of years ago. I don't recall the
>brand but that bag looks familiar. They were a bit more spicy than I
>remembered, too; hadn't had them since I was a kid. I like gingersnaps
>because they aren't too terribly sweet. I may pick up a bag if I go
>down the cookie aisle the next time I'm at the grocery store.
>One type of cookie I *do* like but is a rare indulgence is Danish
>Wedding Cookies. I think the brand is Keebler. They are small, they
>are covered in powdered sugar... oh, here's a link to a recipe:
>Funny thing. When I got my first job in an office (back when dinosaurs
>roamed the earth) the company had a weekly "open house" for potential
>clients. I was handed $20 from petty cash and told to go to the grocery
>store and buy some "fancy cookies" to go with the coffee and tea. Fancy
>to me meant something different from chocolate chip and PB cookies,
>lthough I did buy some of those, too (can't fail with old favourites)
>The Keebler "Danish Wedding Cookies" were the real hit. I hadn't
>thought about them in 40 years. Saw a bag on the shelf a couple of
>years ago. Hmmmm. Yes, they are still delicious!

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