Posted to
On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 07:51:34 -0700 (PDT), odlayo >
>On Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 3:50:57 AM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>> I haven't had these for probably 30 years but didn't hesitate when
>> I saw them at the store last week. It took me 6 days to sdecide I
>> wanted some, and ate two of them. Then pulled out one more. Then 3
>> more. Then 4 more. They're small, I can do that if I want :-P.
>> Wow, spicy mofos. I don't remember them being this spicy, but I
>> remember the bag design bag as clear as I remember the bags of
>> horehound candy. Oh, tehy're from Pennsyvania, that's why. And
>> theyr'e the animal cracker people too,l (haten ;em)
>> I see one more bag in my near future (next week), and then probably
>> bot ever again in my lifetime. And NO. I will NOT use any in
>> sauerbraten. I don't know they were thinking mixing cookies and
>> beef. Germans, Pbbbt!
>> -sw
>When Nabisco redesigned their circus box to eliminate the cages, I figured I should buy one last box.
>I wasn’t a big fan of animal crackers as a child, and thought they might be worse now. Terrible!
>Likewise, it had been many years since my last gingersnap.
>Bought a sack a few years ago and was pleasantly surprised. I’ve bought a few since.
>If cookies-n-beef skeeve you out, how about cookies-n-cabbage?
>Gingersnaps are an essential ingredient in my favorite deli-style sweet-n-sour cabbage soup.
>Not exactly soup weather now, but I’ll try to remember in a few months.
Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."