On Sun, 13 Jun 2021 08:43:16 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Sheldon Martin wrote:
>> I see seeing eye dogs at the markets in town all the time.
>Best joke of the day.
>Your rural area must be a haven for the blind.
>The best blind haven in the universe.
>In my entire lifetime I've only seen blind with dogs or with a white
>cane tapping around on TV. Not once in real life. Perhaps they all sleep
>late and get out later in the day (after my time).
If you think being blind is a joke then you are DUMB. There are blind
living everywhere... deaf too, my mom's best friend was deaf, that's
why as a young girl she learned to Sign.
There are road signs here that say blind/deaf child. There are also
migration road signs put out here at times of the year; Slow for
frogs, turtles, ducklings, etc. Garish lives a very sheltered life
that he's never seen a Seeing Eye Dog, he's never seen Deer/Moose/Bear
Xing signs. There are several US Military Vets in this small town who
travel with service dogs.