On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 2:10:59 PM UTC-5, odlayo wrote:
> We're talking about two very different soups. Yours sounds good too.
> Trying to replicate my long-gone deli soup I tried many things including lemon juice, and dried ginger. Not very close.
> Years ago, when I stumbled on a NY Times cabbage soup recipe I was surprised how similar it was.
> The key ingredients were ginger snaps, Rokeach sour salt, and (lots of) sugar.
> I don't make that version very often, but when I do it brings back pleasant memories of the long-gone deli.
> I, too, am a big fan of stuffed cabbage and make it several ways.
> My favorite is to wrap the filling in sour cabbage leaves, Balkan style.
> I buy a whole head of fermented cabbage (kiseli kupus), like spherical sauerkraut. Good stuff.
> Haluski -- cabbage and noodles -- is a satisfying meal, especially when kitchen stocks are low. Was mentioned here recently.
Were you scared by a paragraph as a child?