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Non-Service Dogs in Grocery Stores
On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 14:18:32 -0500, Hank Rogers >
>Sheldon Martin wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 12:39:32 -0500, "cshenk"
>> > wrote:
>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 9:55:04 AM UTC-10, cshenk wrote:
>>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/12/2021 7:22 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>>>> Is this just an Austin, Texas phenomenon, or do a lot of
>>>>>>>> people in other states take their obviously non-service dogs
>>>>>>>> into grocery stores too?
>>>>>>>> Some dogs sit in carts or the baby seats, some get blankets
>>>>>>>> to make them comfy, some are being clutched to chests, some
>>>>>>>> peek out of purses, and even others are on 8-14 foot leashes
>>>>>>>> - sometimes 2 or 3 wide at a time in the aisles so nobody can
>>>>>>>> get past them. And any number of them can be barking,
>>>>>>>> yapping, or growling at other customers or dogs at any given
>>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>> Is this just as common in others cities and states? Do you or
>>>>>>>> somebody you know take your non-service dog into a grocery
>>>>>>>> store? Why?
>>>>>>>> -sw
>>>>>>> Never seen it here. Our folks are a bit more saavy on such and
>>>>>>> do not allow them in. Randomly though you do hear of emotional
>>>>>>> support animals causing problems at the beach. Gary may know if
>>>>>>> it's common.
>>>>>> I did see a "service dog" in my beach Harris Teeter grocery store
>>>>>> about 6 months ago. I talked with the woman for a few minutes
>>>>>> too. Nice lady, nice little furry (fur over eyes) white dog.
>>>>>> Note: it wasn't some official service dog. That's what she was
>>>>>> calling it. lol
>>>>>> I had no problem with the dog in the store but others might have.
>>>>>> I have my reservations about all this support/service animal crap
>>>>>> though. It's just continuing liberal nonsense that we should
>>>>>> accept any weirdo as "normal."
>>>>>> IMO, if you can't even go to a store without your pet by your
>>>>>> side, stay home and order everything to be delivered. Even
>>>>>> better...let your pet order the food while you sit nearby in a
>>>>>> chair softly crying over daily stress.
>>>>> LOL, ok that's 2 at Harris Teeters (your's by the beach) but your's
>>>>> is a lady and mine is a guy also named Gary with a bonified Service
>>>>> guide dog. I'm with it on the actual service animal.
>>>>> The 'support animals' are pretty much bogus due to a lot of abuse
>>>>> of the system.
>>>> I don't mind dogs, they should go wherever they want. Cats OTOH, I
>>>> don't care for them much. OTOH, Taiyo helped me catch a large
>>>> centipede this morning. He spotted it and I put it in a bucket. I
>>>> threw that critter onto the parking lot, in the midst of some
>>>> chicken. One chicken grabbed it and went all over the lot keeping it
>>>> away from the other chickens. God, I love chickens and dogs.
>>> LOL! That would have been fun to watch!
>> Since childhood I've seen many seeing eye dogs, people with a white
>> cane and a harnessed dog, typically a large dog. Normal people know
>> to give them wide birth. Growing up in NY City there were lots of
>> seeing eye dogs, in streets, stores, public transportation,
>> everywhere. Even here in the boonies there are lots of seeing eye
>> dogs and other service dogs.
>> I see service dogs every time I go into town. They are low key and
>> never bothersome, they are well trained and know their job.
>> Everyone be very thankful that you don't need a service dog. I've
>> learned that there's really no difference between a service dog and a
>> farm dog that sees to the herd. I've seen a small sheltie round up 50
>> black angus and move them field to field to feed. It's really quite
>> amazing to see these dogs do their job.
>Popeye, did those dogs have enormous titties?
Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."