"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> Not in this part of Canada. Ontario has just introduced the possibility
> that it might
> allow customers to bring their own wine. Many reatauranteurs are objecting
> to the
> proposal because they figure that they will lose on the deal. They make a
> lot of profit
> off wine sales.
Most of the places in the US that allow a customer to bring wine have no
license to sell it. That allows the customer to enjoy a glass of wine with
dinner instead of going across the street.
I don't think the restaurants on either side of the border want to allow a
customer to bring his own if they are selling the stuff. That is akin to
going to a restaurant, ordering a soda and then unpacking a picnic lunch on
their table.
I don't have a problem with reasonable corkage fees. They are providing
glasses, the labor to wash them, etc. Funny how people complain about the
markup on a bottle of wine, but not the food. What does an order of two
eggs and toast sell for? Much more than the 25¢ in materials.