Kevintsheehy wrote:
> Edwin wrote (10/17/2004):
> <snip>
>>I don't have a problem with reasonable corkage fees. They are >providing
> glasses, the labor to wash them, etc. Funny how people >complain about the
> markup on a bottle of wine, but not the food.
>>What does an order of two eggs and toast sell for? Much more than >the 25¢ in
> materials.
> What would you consider a reasonable corkage fee to be?
> On the markup, I often hear people say something like "the food
> on my plate cost them $1 and they charge me $10 for it." Well,
> they provide the dishes, tableware, labor and are paying payroll,
> rent, taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. These are often people who
> are involved in businesses which do the same thing.
Those that don't understand the most basic economics ought not be
allowed to enter a business transaction with anyone. I'm in a business
where some sources of merchandise think that I should pay them what I'll
sell the items for, and where some buyers think I should sell them the
items at cost to "be fair"
OB food: One of my worst dining experiences ever took place with my
business partner and two price-whining business associates. We were all
working an antiques show in a different city and went out for drinks the
night it concluded. A round of drinks and two platters of sublime
assorted appetizers, $70. One whiner pipes up and asks what the cost of
the products were. The other wants to negotiate the check. Biz partner
and I want to crawl under the table and hide. He escorted them out
while I paid the bill and slipped the waitress the change from the
hundred. Never again will I deal with those two losers.