You're both the greatest! Now can I ask for one more favor? I'm going to
be away from home for a full week starting tomorrow, and I'm afraid I'll
miss some of those great low-carb recipes. So would it be possible for
you to concentrate on the regular ones for a few days and hold up on the
low-carb ones until next Monday or so? I'm taking my computer with me so
I can spend some time in the car organizing the recipes I've gotten in
the last several days (no, I won't be driving! <G>) but I won't have
Internet access.
terrymcintire wrote:
> Nadine wrote:
>> A Dude wrote:
>>> is getting fun. So many recipes, so little time.
>>> Thanks everyone.
>> It sure is! I'm buried in recipes -- and I couldn't be happier! :-)
>> Thanks from me, too.
>> Nadine
> You are both most welcome. It is my absolute pleasure and I am sure I
> speak for everyone who posts to this wonderful forum. Thanks Duckie!!
> Take Care,
> Terry McIntire