How to Become a Christian, Version 1.01
>Why would a God which is tantamount to love, extreme humbleness,
>patience, forgiveness, free giving, decides to torment our already
>feeble minds with a thing called Satan? Eternal suffering? If you
>believe in a God like that, you should be friggin afraid of It. That to
>me is a Satan * 10th to the google.
>I think the new testament, after passing through so many rulers (Roman
>Empire,) et cetera, and after being translated so many times, has lost
>its true meaning. Top that off with the fact that there is a lot of
>symbolism in the teachings of the Christ which are poorly understood.
>His humbleness speaks for itself. Born of a dirt poor Palestinian Jewish
>family in an animal inn, raised in a simple way, washing his disciple's
>feet to set an example (a practice forbidden by Romans to slave owners
>in those days,) and crucified like a crook. Add to that the fact that he
>hung around with tax collectors, whores, and people in great social need.
>His words have very little meaning in our current society, but have a
>colossal meaning for those that appreciate it.
Amen to all that you said, Rich. A breath of fresh air.