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Ellie C
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Roy Basan wrote:

> Ellie C > wrote in message >.. .
>>I've been trying some favorite baking recipes from my American cookbooks
>>but I'm now living in France and they don't come out right. Cakes come
>>out a bit heavy and leaden. I know that French flour is different from
>>American flour, and I wonder if there's some way to figure out how much
>>more (or less?) to use. I do have American baking powder, so it's not that.

> That is caused by untreated flour, with a higher protein content than
> american cake flour.
> I do not know what type of American baking powder you are using.
> Is it the Calumet or Clabber girl? or Royal baking powder?
> They are not the same.The best cakes are made with the former.
> Most american recipes are sweet and used lots of liquids.
> What particular recipe would you like to adjust?
> Please post your reply of in rec. food.baking.
> Roy

I used Calumet baking powder, just as I had used in the US. Never heard
of Clabber Girl or Royal. I don't have a particular recipe I want to
adjust, I was looking for general guidelines after making a cake last
week and having it come out very heavy and dense. I won't be making this
particular cake again since it's one I typically make for a large crowd
or a special occasion.

