Sausage making equipment
I've been making pork sausage for a little while with the
meat-grinding attachments and casing-stuffing cones for
my KitchenAid mixer, and while I've had good results I'm
getting pretty disgusted with the throughput of the pro-
cess. It's not so much the grinding as it is the stuf-
fing, but I could go for better equipment for both tasks.
Anyone with more experience than I have any recommendations?
I already know about Allied Kenco (that's where I get my
hog and sheep casings), so I'm looking more for specific
equipment and technique tips than sources.
My typical batch so far has been about a couple of pounds,
but I can see bumping that up to 5 or 10 depending on the
Mark Shaw moc TOD liamg TA wahsnm
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"There is no Hell. There is only France." - Frank Zappa