On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 11:16:08 -0400, "Bob (this one)" >
>In Virginia, ...
>Pickles, jams and jellies, breads and pastries (unless they contain
>eggs in which case there are other regs), and some fresh foods if
>refrigerated (and there's a long list of what can and can't). Some
>foods like popcorn and candies. Hot foods prepared for immediate
>consumption. Lots of howevers in all that tangled mess of rules.
I went ballistic when I read that egg exception. How can you have
"baked goods" without eggs? However, it refers to "baked goods with
*fillings* containing eggs." So cookies or cakes with eggs in the
recipe is OK. I can't think of an pastry "filling" that contains un-
or partially cooked egg, but there must be some.
I also found it interesting (and disappointing) that fish must be sold
whole, not gutted. The vendor can't even offer to gut it for the
customer at the point of sale. If anyone "lays a knife to" fish, it
must be in an approved facility. Or the buyer's kitchen.