Thread: Envelopes
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zxcvbob wrote:
> HardwareLust wrote:
>> PENMART01 wrote:
>>> I doubt that I will ever lick another envelope...

>> Here's the *real* story:
>> . It's a lame
>> *******ization of the famous "Taco Bell" roach story, and isn't even
>> remotely true.
>> That means you're either a troll, dumb enough to believe the story
>> in the first place, or too lazy to check your facts before posting
>> where the world would read it.
>> Either way, welcome to my killfile.
>> H.

> With all the *great* reasons to killfile Sheldon, you picked something
> this trivial and stupid? What a lamer!
> Killfile me too while you're at it.
> -Bob

I thought I already did. Guess I'll make sure this time.

One last thought: Nothing is worse than perpetrating bogus stories
masquerading as 'facts'. Usenet, the cooking newsgroups in particular, is
rather succeptable to these kinds of stories. Because Sheldon, who's a
moron, choose to post this kind of dreck, a great many people are now
walking around thinking that their toungues are going to be infested with
roaches if they lick an envelope.

That kind of reckless, idiotic posting doesn't belong here or anywhere else,
except perhaps in a group for jokes.

Enjoy your time in my killfile, asshole.
