Tuna fish and cheese....
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Dean G.
Posts: n/a
(Amberinauburn) wrote in message >...
> My husband who has a definite lack of taste tells me it is OK to put a slice of
> American cheese on tuna fish. I say cheese on tuna fish is only acceptable if
> you then grill the thing making it a tuna melt. Does anyone here put cheese on
> Tuna fish sandwiches?
> Amber in central Illinois
Sometimes I put some grated manchego on my tuna tacos. I used to think
fish tacos were odd, but tuna, mahi-mahi, and other meaty fish work
great. They are also healthier than ground beef or pork shoulder and
cook fast. Serve with a fresh salsa and a few chopped toppings and you
have a good meal.
Dean G.
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