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>SCUBApix wrote:
>> "Mark Shaw" wrote
>> > I've been making pork sausage for a little while with the
>> > meat-grinding attachments and casing-stuffing cones for
>> > my KitchenAid mixer, and while I've had good results I'm
>> > getting pretty disgusted with the throughput of the pro-
>> > cess. It's not so much the grinding as it is the stuf-
>> > fing, but I could go for better equipment for both tasks.

>>. We do the grinding and stuffing in one step using the Kitchenaide.

Um, then you don't season your sausage...? You either can't write, can't cook,
or can't tell the truth.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."