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"Jack Schidt®" > wrote in

> "Gabby" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 21:07:20 -0400, "Jessica V." >
>>> arranged random neurons, so they looked like this:
>>>>That was the big sign up at Dunkin Donuts this morning. I was
>>>> The tip cups are gone. It's about time.
>>> Never could figure out why you'd tip someone for performing their
>>> job at what is essentially a fast food joint - this includes
>>> Starbucks, Diedrich's, etc. - yet you wouldn't dream of a tip jar
>>> at, say, McDonald's. Same degree of service, but do you see a tip
>>> jar at McDonald's?

>> They have one at A & W, here. It always ticks me off since the
>> counter people there make about $7/hr.
>> Gabby

> Wow, $7 an hour.
> Jack Wage

They chose to work there. There are many clerking positions where
tipping is neither expected nor hoped for, and which pay no more than
that. Why should this be any different? I recently stopped for gas at
a station I'd never been to before. A tip jar was prominently
displayed. Even if I bought more than gas, I would dispense my own pop,
pick up merchandise from shelves, and pay the cashier. They deserve a
tip for this? Zeesh!

It's me, Baker!

When the Chips are Down,
the Buffalo is Empty.