Thread: Chocīlate!
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Mark Lipton
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Nils Gustaf Lindgren wrote:

> Mallard under lardo with stuff mixed with stuff, two wines:
> Bouquet des Garrigues, DOmaine du Caillou CdR 2001 (?)
> [n] dense, rich, cloves, walnuts, prunes
> [p] creamy, strawberry juice, chocolate, black pepper
> Overall impression: my favorite. Overpowering complexity, a superb pairing
> with the mallard.

Clos du Caillou, non? I've been a big fan of their CdRs since the '98
vintage, though they tend to be pricier than many of their peers. A
Berkeley importer brings in several different cuveés, of which the "Tres
Vielles Vignes" is the most expensive, running about the same as many
CdPs. The Bouquet des Garrigues is usually my QPR choice of the litter.
Good to hear about the 2001 -- I'll have to find some.

Sounds like a fun dinner, though that cheese pairing does sound rather
tragic. Thanks for the notes, Nils!

Mark Lipton