Thread: Food Sayings
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Dean G.
Posts: n/a

The Joneses > wrote in message >...
> If it's allowed - like a fine wine she gets better as she ages.

If that's allowed, then certainly this should be as well :

"Twas a woman who drove me to drink. I never had the courtesy to thank
her." --W.C. Fields

Anyone who says otherwise is a few tacos short of a combo plate.

"The perfect lover is one who turns into pizza at 4am."
Charles Pierce.

"Out of the frying pan, and into the fire."

Officer, your eyes are glazed, have you been eating doughnuts ?

Where's the beef ?

They F*** you at the drive-through!

Nice pate, but I've got to motor.

Did somebody spike the punchbowl?

He's milking it for all its worth.

That's not kosher with me.

A book of verse, a leg of lamb, and thou.

Sticking his head in the oven,

Dean G.
Give me a cookie !