In article >,
Puester > wrote:
= Socks wrote:
= >
= > On Tue, 09 Mar 2004 19:05:09 -0500, Fred wrote:
= >
= > > The local supermarkets have all stopped carrying fresh yeast. Any ideas on
= > > where to get consumer quantities of it by mail order? Or does anybody have
= > > a foolproof conversion from fresh to dry yeast by weight? My formulas all
= > > call for fresh yeast.
= >
= > i buy my yeast in a 1 pound block (it is really powder, but vacuum packed
= > - it loosens up when you open it) from a chain called "Smart & Final"
= > (the good news is that a pound of yeast costs like $2.75)
= Costco also carries that, Red Star brand. It works
= well for me.
I've also bought it at Sam's Club although it was the "instant yeast."
But none of this answers the original poster's question which was
how to convert from quantities of fresh yeast to quantities of dry
I don't remember the numbers offhand but as I recall 1 packet of
dry yeast (as sold in the supermarket) is the equivalent of one
cake of fresh yeast as it used to be sold at groceries and even
If you want to use the bulk yeast as several posters have
suggested, I suggest buying one packet of the dry, measuring that,
and then using that much of the bulk when a recipe calls for one
cake of fresh yeast. Proportion the amount for more or less.
Kind regards,
Charlie "Older than dirt" Sorsby Edgewood, NM "I'm the NRA!" USA Life Member since 1965