maxine in ri wrote:
> Saerah wrote:
>> The Ranger wrote in message ...
>>> On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 12:53:19 GMT, "Jack Schidt®"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> My remark wasn't in support of tipping a counterperson
>>>> but rather a response to the way $7 an hour was
>>>> presented as a kingly sum of money.
>>> But it _is_ a nice wage, commensurate with the level of work
>>> required and (usually) the level of education said grunt has
>>> attained.
>> i know quite a few people with college degrees who are working in retail,
>> making not much more.
>>> Graveyard and <Parentitis Flare-up on the other early-am
>>> shift title> get paid slightly more because of the hours needed but
>>> US$7.00 for simple counter help is quite high. Especially with
>>> today's cash registers; scan the item (or punch a specific key),
>>> punch in the amount tendered, and give back the correct change
>>> stated on the display. How much effort is required from that?
>>> Certainly not a BS in EE... You have to be able to breath or smile,
>>> usually not both simultaneously; that's a bonus but you don't pay
>>> extra for that.
>> It's not a living wage. whats the point of paying people at all if they
>> can't live on what you pay them?
> --
>> saerah
> If that is the only job you are able to do, then you find a roommate to
> split the cost of that apartment, take the public transit to work, and
> don't buy a lot of non-essentials like the stereo system, the plasma tv,
> the Viking stove....
> If you're the only wage earner, you have kids in daycare, or grammer
> school, you'll probably have to deal with Social Services in your area,
> and hope that the food banks and local houses of worship have help
> available to tide you over.
> maxine in ri
My step daughter earns over $10 per hour, working full time. She lives
in a house trailer, which we bought for her so she pays no rent. Between
health insurance costs, transportation to work, heat, elec, phone bill,
and food, she barely makes ends meet. She does not have plasma TV, she
has a 10 year old stereo which we gave her. Last I knew she didn't have
a Viking stove.