> "Edwin Pawlowski" writes:
>"Kevintsheehy" wrote:
>> What would you consider a reasonable corkage fee to be?
>At the local corner place, maybe $2.50, but at a fancier place $5 or so is
>not out of the question. Other places may provide an ice bucket or other
>amenities and I'd not balk at a bit more. If no corkage fee was charged, I'd
>go iwth a bigger tip.
>> On the markup, I often hear people say something like "the food
>> on my plate cost them $1 and they charge me $10 for it." Well,
>> they provide the dishes, tableware, labor and are paying payroll,
>> rent, taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. These are often people who
>> are involved in businesses which do the same thing.
>We all want to make a good paycheck, but often balk at paying others. House
>painter, plumber, etc. we expect to work for the same wage as the kid that
>mows the lawn.
I think you're talking about kids when you were a kid... it's extrememly rare
to find a kid these days who will mow a lawn at any price, certainly not for a
couple bucks. These days kids ain't dumb, they charge the same as the itinerate
illegals for yard work, $20/hr.... and even the illegals don't hang around up
north to shovel snow like you did as a kid, a long driveway for a buck and
happy to have the job. These days the illegals have winter homes, in texas,
arizona, and miami. The kids... only have time for their PC.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."