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Ellie C
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Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Ellie C" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I've been wondering what happens to meat between the slaughterhouse and
>>the meat counter. Why? Well, here in France meat tastes completely
>>different than it does in the US. It's stronger flavored. It's also a lot

> That may well be the case. The US has vast amounts of prairie land to
> support herds of steers, we have lots of grain and corn to feed them and
> fatten them up before slaughter.

I have read that French beef is not corn fattened before slaughter,
typically, and this of course makes a difference in the steaks.

> Old dairy cows will end up in pet food or hamburgers, never a steak.

I'm talking about France, not the US. Are you sure this is the case here
or are you talking about the US?

> You can probably find the tenderizer under a different name, perhaps the
> chemical name.papain, a derivitive of th e papaya plant. Papain acts on the
> protien to break it down.

Nope. Can't find it at all, under any name. It simply does not exist in
any French supermarket I have been to.