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Default The Price of Ancho Chiles at Whole Foods! Unbelievable!

nothing about anything at WFM should surprise anyone anymore, least of
all the prices. they are NOT a couple of old hippies who got lucky
with a tofu and organic banana stand. rather, they are an agressive,
money making, business as usual supermarket chain. (actually, its
business not as usual, they have a profit margin unheard of in retail
food sales). i am employed at the WFM in Beverly Hills, CA, certainly
one of the most affluent communities in America. When my customers do
a double take over the $5.99/# hamnburger or $7.99/# chicken breasts
or the $2.39/# turkey, i say "Welcome to Whole Foods." For the low
down on Whole Foods as seen thru the eyes of a former employee, keep
your eyes peeled to