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Chef Juke wrote:

> Hey all,
> Just spoke with Dave this morning to see how things were going.
> The restaurant has been busier and busier each day this week. They
> have had people lining up outside the door before they open.
> I told him that I figured he'd been too busy to get online and he told
> me that yep, he and Jill hadn't gotten home until 2:30 AM this morning
> after doing cleanup, etc. (they've realized that working 12 hours and
> THEN trying to clean the kitchen spotless is a bit much and are
> looking for a cleaning co. to come in and do their nightly cleanup).
> They have been working at getting their workflow down better each day
> and it seems to be working...still will likely have more and more
> improvements to do as they get more experience under their belt.
> Anyway, thought y'all should know that they're going like
> gangbusters...

Good to hear that things are going well. After recovering from Saturday
evenings festivities, I was able to try out a 1/2 rack of ribs on
Monday. They were very tender and delicious. The best I've had that
have not been cooked by me :-)

If business continues to do well, he has an easy opportunity to expand
his current operation with the lot next door.

Thanks for the pics and all you did to make the celebration a success.
It was very nice to meet all of you.

Happy Q'en,