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Default The Price of Ancho Chiles at Whole Foods! Unbelievable!

Wow, Here in Toronto, Anchos are $2.49 Cd a pound at No Frills. I
guess they must be Cuban?

Holas Amigos,

"Rona Yuthasastrakosol" > wrote in message

> "Kate B" > wrote in message
> <snip>
> > I drive about a mile west to a Mexican market that I like and they are
> > selling anchos for $3.69 per pound. Sheez! The anchos at Whole Foods
> > weren't labeled as organic and even if they were this couldn't possibly
> > justify such a price differential.
> >
> > Just a warning/
> >
> > Kate <--- looking at prices much more closely now.
> >
> >

> I've only been to WF twice--once in Minneapolis and once in Chicago. I
> thought their bulk foods prices were quite high but I bought some organic
> popping corn, anyway. I apparently bought more than I thought because I
> paid about $6 for what would cost me $2 in the bulk food section at a major
> grocery store in Winnipeg. However, it was excellent popping corn and is
> second only to the recently harvested popping corn I bought at the St.
> Paul's Farmers' Market. I sort of wish I had more, but I have a huge bag of
> Jiffy Pop to get through (by huge I mean Costco-sized huge). Time to make
> some popcorn!
> rona